
Saturday, 1 November 2014

(III) Active in Battle - Part 2

 The post of the 31st October ended with the idea that we are called to demonstrate the character and conduct of Jesus in our specific situation. So rather than filling our thoughts continuously with ourselves, we should start being preoccupied with and conscious of HIM.
We continue from there and go back to our DO-list :

1.5 DO Struggle against sin and resist it unto the point of shedding blood!

#  What do we need strength and boldness/courage for?
We’ve got enemies out there, attempting to get us disqualified in the race! And without going into more detail now, it all boils down to our biggest enemy : sin.

 Is passivity an option on the battlefield?
Only if we want to be eliminated, or killed when we're on the battlefield of life, yes.
Is passivity in mind and spiritual life and approach a dark danger?
Yes. An enemy that isn’t resisted, will not flee, but conquer us.
Are our children excluded from attacks of the enemy - bad and sinful thoughts? Is there an age restriction in this battle?
No.Their battles are just as fierce as ours, yet more than frequently much more lonely, if unrecognized and unaccompanied by their parents/adults.

#  So let’s memorize verse 4, and teach it to our children : 
"In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood."

Does this sound like passivity? No!
Does this sound like a battlefield? Yes! 
Then let us at least commit to start being obedient to the Lord’s standard for His children of resistance in the struggle, to the point of shedding our blood, rather than passively allowing sinful thought and behavioral patterns to rule and keep us in bondage to their dominion.

#  Is this at all possible?
It is. When I look to and consider Jesus, bearing my sin on that cross, struggling in blood and resisting temptation to not drink that unbearable cup for me and paying the price for my sin.

#  Is it easy?
No. Not at all. Sin clings so closely, our text says, and our experience confirms that. Recurring thoughts and thought patterns get us in their power and we find it extremely hard to throw them out. And the longer we accommodate them, the stronger and  more persistent they become. Therefore to get rid of this intimate bond between us and our sin, and cling intimately to Jesus, a battle is demanded, on the side of Jesus and on my side. A bloody, active, willing, purposeful, mindful battle. This is a war zone, and the blood is flowing – on either side.
"I am not above my Master!", Joni Eareckson  Tada says. Nor are we. Therefore we shall join Him in this battle, and teach our children that this is how it is. This is normal for us as God's children. 

It therefore also demands of us to cooperate with Him. 
1.6 DO submit to ‘the discipline of the Lord’, as His true, grateful, legitimate children.

“And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons/daughters? "My son/daughter, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him.  For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son/daughter whom he receives. It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons/daughters. For what son/daughter is there whom his father does not discipline? If we are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons/daughters." (Heb 12:5-8)

What do we do when we start wondering what our struggles and challenges are all about? Whether there is any sense in it, any purpose?

#  We look to Jesus who is with us in the struggle, who knows a fight unto death and takes the lead, decides on the next step and expects of us to submit to Him. Isn't that exactly what we expect from our children? Untrained and undisciplined as they are, don't we enter with them in the danger and hardships and show them the way and teach them to learn from us?

So when Jesus enters into our battles with us and uses it to our benefit, teaching us the disciplines we need to become skillful, well trained and obedient soldiers, shall we rebel? Or should we submit?

#  We must submit as a child, to the discipline of his Father.
We CAN – just.
And we mustn't forget, but remind ourselves, that this is GOOD for us. (Don't we remind our children of that frequently? If not, now is a good time to start!) Just like them, we nééd to practice endurance and we nééd this discipline. Verse 7 says:  “It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons/daughters.”

Now that’s a wonderful gleam of light!
God helps us, forces us, through the obstacles in this endurance race to start doing the right thing and be obedient and do His will!
Because He cares about us as His ówn children, and not someone else's (illegitimate children, as the text says.)

#  When we don't resist Him, but submit to the discipline procedure, we find out what our children should find out when we discipline them : we can start to
  • resist our evil desires (of passivity) : procrastination, apathy and hiding behind excuses, and
  • embrace the demands of God’s calling to a cold-blooded fight against our spiritual, mental and psychical enemies.
God is really taking to task His call on our lives to sanctification  and godliness, isn't He?
(Do you take your child's spiritual welfare to task with the same zeal?)

Does God have the same dealings and intentions with our children?
I believe so, if saving grace also reaches their lives. So to lead them in understanding these principles, is one of our greatest privileges, and responsibilities. Let's not be slack or delay, or react passively.

Life doesn't wait for us to bring its challenges and battles. We must be prepared, or be preparing.
And children don't wait for us to grow up!

(To be continued...)

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